Hi, Welcome!
Thank you very much for joining WAI Singapore Chapter. We are really glad to have you supporting WAI to CONNECT, INSPIRE, ENGAGE to drive diversity and inclusiveness focus in the Singapore aviation ecosystem.
Congrats, you are now a member! Then, what are the next steps?
# Most Important! Please create an account and update your profile in GlueUp
You will receive a GlueUp welcome email. GlueUp is our membership platform.
You can sign up for events, join communities and find other members here.
Download the GlueUp app in the Playstore or Apple Store.
# Attend WAI SG events:
we invite you to visit our website where you will find all details about upcoming events: https://www.waisg.org/events/
You can also find details about the event in the GlueUp app. Please create an account in GlueUp using your registered email.
# Join a committee:
Become an active member by joining one or several committee(s). Outreach, Sustainability, Girls in Aviation Day ... choices are diverse and all your energy and expertise are needed. You can size your support (can be punctual for one-off project or longer term), so no excuse!
Do not hesitate to contact our committee leads to learn more about the committee activities and support needed (contacts available on WAI SG website).
# Stay up-to-date through our GlueUp group:
Please create an account and update your profile as a brief presentation from yourself to other members (e.g. position, company, past experiences, LinkedIn profile...)
GlueUp is where you will be able to stay informed of all coming events, exchange with your peers propose ideas/events ...
Please Download the GlueUp app in the Playstore or Apple Store.
As a general message, we would like to invite you to visit our website where you will be able to find many information: https://www.waisg.org/
and feel free to contact us for any question.
Best regards,
WAI SG's onboarding team