Event Details

Soar with Confidence: Impactful Communication for Women in Aviation

In the dynamic world of aviation, effective communication is essential. "Soar with Confidence: Impactful Communication for Women in Aviation" is a transformative event organized by Pratt & Whitney in collaboration with the Women in Aviation Singapore Chapter (WAI-SG). This empowering gathering aims to elevate women's voices, enhance their communication skills, and celebrate their achievements.

Registration: Please RSVP to secure your spot. (Open for Pratt & Whitney employees only)

Join us as we empower women to communicate confidently and make a lasting impact in the aviation industry. We look forward to your presence.


9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Registration and Light Refreshments
10:00 AM - 10:05 AM
Opening Address -P&W Women's Council Chairperson
10:05 AM - 10:15 AM
Ice Breaker by Speaker
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
How to talk with your colleagues and customers
How to talk with your colleagues and customers, whether you're on the shop floor, in the planning department, or in customer supportโ”‚How can we communicate in a way that people hear and reme...
How to talk with your colleagues and customers, whether you're on the shop floor, in the planning department, or in customer supportโ”‚How can we communicate in a way that people hear and remember what we sayโ”‚How to take the fear out of public speaking: watch our video examplesโ”‚Small Group Exercise
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11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Verbal Content and non-verbal speech
Verbal Content and non-verbal speechโ”‚Communication challenges specific to womenโ”‚Talking to peers and your supervisorโ”‚Review
11:30 AM - 11:35 AM
Session Ends


  • Glenn Van Zutphen (Founder and CEO of Van Media Group)

    Glenn Van Zutphen

    Founder and CEO of Van Media Group

    Glenn van Zutphen (He/Him) is a career international journalist, radio host, keynote speaker on communication, and founder of VanMedia Group Pte Ltd., a worldwide media consultancy.

    He has coached nearly 3000 high-performing business leaders, journalists, educators, government leaders, and students around the world to be confident, credible, and clear in their communication. Glenn is a recognized communications expert, keynote speaker, facilitator, and podcaster. He also hosts the “Saturday Mornings” radio show every week on MoneyFM 89.3, Singapore’s most trusted business news station.

    For more than 30 years as a professional journalist, Glenn has worked in print, radio, television, and online news based in the US, Japan, Switzerland, Hong Kong, and Singapore. As both the Regional News Editor for CNBC Asia/Pacific and the Anchor and Producer at CNN International, he covered stories ranging from the Balkan War and Millennium celebrations to the War Against Terror, the Asian Tsunami, Hong Kong's 1997 Handover, and various global financial meltdowns. An active writer, he co-authored the business marketing book "Happy Customers Everywhere" (2016) and contributed to "The American Journey in Singapore" (2017) and chapters in seven editions of the "Living in Singapore Reference Guide" (2008–2023).

    Glenn sits on the East-West Center Alumni Board (Honolulu, HI). He has served on The Boards of AmCham Singapore and the Asian American Journalist Association (Asia). Glenn holds a Master’s Degree in Digital Media Management from Teesside University (UK)/Hyper Island Singapore and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Southern California. He and his family have been Singapore Permanent Residents since 2005.

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  • Melinda Murphy (Senior Trainer at Van Media Group)

    Melinda Murphy

    Senior Trainer at Van Media Group

    Melinda Murphy (she/he) is the senior trainer at VanMedia Group. She has had a storied career as a multi-faceted, award-winning American television journalist with vast experience in a wide variety of genres. She has worked in many capacities in television, with titles such as executive producer, writer, editor, and on-air network television correspondent.

    In Singapore, Melinda’s work at Expat Living magazine earned her the prestigious Journalist/Writer of the Year Awards from the Magazine Publishers Association of Singapore (MPAS). Melinda’s television career saw her earn three Emmy awards, including recognition for her work as a New York City reporter on 9/11.

    Melinda has interviewed people from all walks of life, including many top-level executives and government officials, which makes her an excellent trainer. She knows exactly how to prepare you because she knows just the kind of questions journalists will ask.

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